(902) 865-1865 Info@feelsafesecurity.ca

“Why You Should Invest in Security Cameras”

Home alarm systems are a popular and effective way to protect a home from burglaries and other unwanted intrusions. There are several different types of alarm systems available, ranging from basic door and window alarms to more advanced systems that include motion...

Compelling Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Home Alarm System!

Home alarm systems are a popular and effective way to protect a home from burglaries and other unwanted intrusions. There are several different types of alarm systems available, ranging from basic door and window alarms to more advanced systems that include motion...

How To Protect your home when you are away

A home left alone while on vacation is tempting for criminals. Basic key steps should be taken to ward off these thieves and help keep your home safe.   We have assembled 8 essential tips: 1 Let a close friend know your plans Tell someone you trust you’re going...